Des Camerounais à la finale mondiale de Huawei ICT Competition 2020

Cette nouvelle coïncide avec la célébration du double 5ème anniversaire des programmes éducatifs de l’entreprise chinoise au Cameroun.

affiche Huawei ICT Competition 2020Le Cameroun pour sa toute première fois, est l’un des 5 pays africains admis en finale de cette compétition mondiale qui se déroule cette année uniquement de manière virtuelle pour cause de COVID-19. Les trois finalistes camerounais sont étudiants à Douala bénéficiaires des initiatives Huawei Seeds for the future et Huawei ICT Academy. Seront également en compétition finale pour le compte de l’Afrique : l’Algérie, l’Egypte, le Maroc et la Tunisie.

Activités tout-en-ligne et vulgarisation de la 5G

Huawei ICT Competition 2020 n’est pas le seul programme de Huawei qui a dû se dérouler essentiellement online cette année. Avant cette finale prévue le 30 octobre prochain, il y a eu entres autres, au mois de septembre dernier, les conférences Huawei World Better Summit NetX 2025 & X-Tech et Huawei Connect 2020. La particularité de ces récentes éditions des sommets mondiaux de Huawei dédiés à la vulgarisation de leurs dernières innovations était la présentation des fonctionnalités, opportunités et applications dérivées qu’offrent la 5G.

Les participants à ces différents évènements en ligne ont également pu en savoir plus sur la plateforme d’e-learning développée par Huawei pour la continuité de l’éducation Learn-On. Pour cause, l’entreprise chinoise s’est fixée pour objectif lors de l’édition Huawei Connect 2019 en présentiel, de former environ 500 millions de personnes dans le monde, dans le cadre du programme sur l’économie numérique dénommé Tech4ALL, dont le Cameroun est bénéficiaire. Au Cameroun, par exemple les programmes éducatifs phares du Tech4ALL sont : Huawei Seeds for the Future et Huawei ICT Academy. Leur double 5ème anniversaire a été célébré le 9 octobre dernier à Yaoundé, cérémonie au cours de laquelle la cuvée spéciale des 40 étudiants retenus et en cours de formation pour l’édition Seeds for the Future ont été mis en relation avec la presse et les institutions gouvernementales camerounaises.

5 ans de formation

an 5 programmes Huawei CamerounEn cinq années d’implémentation des programmes d’éducation Huawei au Cameroun, plus de 1000 étudiants ont été mobilisés dans le cadre des tests de sélection à ces opportunités académiques et professionnelles, environ 120 enseignants ont été impliqués pour 80 certifications. Concrètement le Programme Huawei ICT Academy est mis en œuvre à travers 4 structures de formations de l’enseignement supérieur avec lesquelles des MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) ont été signés : SUP’PTIC (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications), UIC (Institut Universitaire de la Côte), ENSPY (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de l’Université de Yaoundé), et  ENSPD (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Douala, ex-Faculté de Génie Industriel de l’Université de Douala).

Ces différents programmes d’éducation mis en œuvre au Cameroun par l’entreprise chinoise sont le résultat de l’Accord de partenariat stratégique dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et de la communication, signé entre le Gouvernement camerounais et la Chine (Huawei) en marge du FOCAC 2018, le 3ème Sommet du Forum sur la Coopération sino-africaine dont la délégation était conduite par le Président de la République du Cameroun, S.E. Paul BIYA.

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#SocialMediaCure de #CoronaVirusFacts: Une thérapie pour contrer l’Infodémie au Cameroun

#SocialMediaCure: The Best Social Media Care in Cameroon

#SocialMediaCure: The Best Social Media Care in Cameroon

Dans le cadre de mes activités d’éducation aux médias numériques et à l’information, à travers la plateforme eSTEMate en projet depuis quelques années et concrétisée en février 2020 , je vous invite à joindre cette initiative digitale que je lance avec plusieurs partenaires nationaux et internationaux dès le 1er septembre 2020, dans le cadre du projet #CoronaVirusFacts de l’UNESCO.

Merci à tous de soutenir  #SocialMediaCure qui se veut être une campagne d’éducation aux médias et à l’information dont l’objectif principal est de lutter contre la désinformation, la mésinformation et le discours de haine dans les médias sociaux au Cameroun en contexte de COVID-19. dont les principales activités sont:

  • 90 jours de campagne de communication digitale avec des relais d’influence dans les médias sociaux et les médias classiques;
  • Un Blog-Talk pré-évènementiel à l’occasion de la journée mondiale du blog en collaboration avec l’Association des Blogueurs du Cameroun et le projet Je suis Camerounais et je blogue, sur le thème : Le métier de blogueur au Cameroun ;
  • Des ateliers régionaux de formation en présentiel (en primeur dans les zones d’éducation prioritaire du Cameroun: Adamaoua, Est, Extrême-Nord, Nord, Nord-Ouest, Sud-Ouest…);
  • Des webinaires à vocation nationale en collaboration avec cmNOG;
  • Un #SocialMediaCamp à l’occasion de la semaine mondiale d’éducation aux médias et à l’information en collaboration avec Barcamp Cameroon et Eduk-Media.

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#SocialMediaCure: La meilleure thérapie Médias Sociaux au Cameroun

#SocialMediaCure: La meilleure thérapie Médias Sociaux au Cameroun

Depuis les premières attaques de la nébuleuse terroriste Boko Haram au Cameroun, l’on assiste à un accroissement de l’utilisation du mobile et du numérique dans la communication sur l’étendue du territoire Camerounais. Cela coïncide avec l’introduction progressive des outils internet connectés, la miniaturisation du matériel informatique et de télécommunications et les campagnes de vulgarisation et d’adoption des réseaux sociaux à travers la banalisation des supports audiovisuels et messages courts.

Cette déferlante de l’utilisation du numérique s’est accrue avec l’apparition en fin 2016 de la crise socio-politique dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest. Depuis ce moment, les médias classiques et médias en ligne formels (site d’information et blogs) sont pratiquement supplantés par des supports plus légers, instantanés et rapides. Les discours de haine et des cas de diffamation sont de plus en plus enregistrés dans un contexte marqué par le calendrier électoral 2018-2020.

Ajouté à tout cela, l’apparition de la pandémie COVID-19 dans le monde a davantage accéléré le processus de digitalisation du monde et d’utilisation d’Internet. Les cinq règles d’hygiènes fondamentales recommandées par l’OMS pour se prémunir de l’infection au coronavirus obligent l’ensemble de la société mondiale à se réajuster. Chaque pays, bien que respectant des mesures similaires généralement acquises et adoptées, a sa particularité pour les méthodes de confinement, de prise en charge des malades, d’organisation du mode de vie, des méthodes de travail, d’enseignement, des systèmes d’approvisionnement et autres.  Le Cameroun n’est pas en reste puisque depuis le 06 Mars 2020, date d’enregistrement du premier cas d’infecté au coronavirus, une bataille informationnelle s’est installée dans les médias. Un état de choses qui se vit tant dans les médias classiques que dans les médias numériques, les réseaux sociaux.

La pandémie s’est transformée en infodémie car tous souffrent du même mal :  la mauvaise information, l’absence d’information et la manipulation de l’information qui résultent en Fake News (Fausses Nouvelles), Hate Speech (Discours de Haine) et Cyberbullying (Cyberharcèlement).

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My Mozilla Contribution Story as WoMoz – #IWD2016

Dorothydaf MozillaRep/MentorMy name is Dorothee Danedjo Fouba.
I am a Tech Community Builder, a Multimedia Journalist, Media Education’ Engineer and Blogger.
When I was 10 I wanted to be my own boss and to save life through medicine.
I start contributing to Mozilla in September 2014 when I was incubated at Mozilla Offices in Silicon Valley during the Techwomen program.
I work as a Mozilla Rep/Mentor and Campaign Manager helping organizing communities in Cameroon and Africa by teaching and doing advocacy on different initiatives and programs provided at Mozilla.
I am proud of Mozillians involved in Cameroon&Africa because of their great achievements and results. I am also proud of organizations and communities who have all contributed to my personal and professional growth. It’s a good blessing to share leadership skills, networking experiences, training tools&technics and to get back great results and big communities from People sensitized.
The biggest obstacle I have faced was bridging the gap between my literary background and appropriating STEM like coding skills and practices. Adding to that It was a big challenge to move toward french and english system. Hopefully I am from a country which use these two languages as officials, but have more than 200 local languages.
My inspiration at Mozilla has increased after meeting 4 wonderful women: Larissa Brown Shapiro, Lizz Noonan, Emma Irwin and Mitchell Baker. People I met in some Mozilla advocacy and sensitization events I organized in my country and region also inspired me. They helped me to try to be better than now and to adjust my thinking and projects.
My advice to women is seize the opportunity, take the risk! Don’t be afraid on beginning a new challenge. You need to be focused on your objectives, Try to learn by listening to others, Update your mindset every time after being in contact with inspiring and experienced people, Stay humbled and have&keep faith in God.

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Inspire the Next Generation

Screen Shot 2015-12-22 at 5.20.55 AMWithin my holidays, I spent some favorite hours for empowering and supporting girls and women in STEM fields in Cameroon. I made time within December 2015 and January 2016 for youth and women. Hopefully, I experienced lot of support from local populations, community leaders, teachers and from such inspiring people around the country. Concretely, I made:

technovation+techwomenA Technovation huge field trip in 3 of 10 Regions of Cameroon from January 8th to January 19th: Far North, North and Adamawa. The northern Regions of Cameroon are the one which are facing realities of Boko Haram Attacks these last months and people experienced these manifestations of terrorism since 2015 there. But the interesting thing there is that in 2015 I registered with mentors and coaches from these regions 13 teams (65 girls) of the 23 counting for Cameroon Challenge there. They made amazing results there: 6 of them made it to the Technovation Regional Pitch in Cameroon, 5 in the Worlwide quater-final and 1 to the Worlwide Semi-final. Participants are all young girls from 10 to 18 years old who don’t know before the program how to code. Now they are literate in Apps coding and they are building mobile application for solving problem of their direct area of living. The field trip I made was to recognized efforts made by students, mentors and coaches in 2015 challenge, for sensitizing them and recruiting new competitors for Technovation 2016 challenge. Code Girl Movies were diffused on these occasion and skils for using Mit App Inventor and Technovation platforms also have been shared. I shared there with about 15 different secondary schools, with more than 1000 attendees in total.


A big mentoring program for young girls in Cameroon named « Nanas Awards », an initiative of another US Exchange Alumnae from Cameroon, Fidele Djebba. Within the program of December 21st to 22nd, I had a special speaking time with 200 girls from 10 regions of Cameroon for sharing my story and experiences with them in Yaounde. The most interesting things was the sharing tips time for building a project and business plan. I faced there a big surprise there…having more than 200 people singing « Happy birthday to you » just for me and having gifts from kids. Now girls are building their project and we had know within social medias and email and interesting discussion about their special projects.

IMG_7627A great Mozilla Advocacy campaign in Cameroon for kids, youth and women for Northern Regions. With support of WoMoz Members, FSA, KidZilla and Teach the Web trainers from Northern Regions, we recruited lot of people for dedicated initiatives of Mozilla. We are now building a national strategic plan with others regions of Cameroon for growing our community and help contributors to be more active in worldwide activities.

Screen Shot 2016-02-03 at 10.49.21 PMA special 2016 TechWomen Alumnae Coaching Session Call week for Women in Africa. As you know, 2016 Techwomen recruiting phase is in progress and for helping women to improve their application, I organized some One to One Video Call with 8 women in Tech, 6 from Cameroon, 1 from Middle-East countries, 1 from West-African Countries. The main objectives of that Calls was to share with them my own experience of Techwomen program, in which the program consists on, and to help them with tips to fill well their application’s form for the 2016 selection.

I am Grateful to God for this special time spent for impacting people around me. I am Thankful to wonderful Teachers & Administration staff of Secondary schools in Cameroon, Technovation Mentors and Coaches, Womoz, FSA and Mozilla Cameroon Cordinators in these differents regions, friends, family& colleagues for the unexpected and important support. A special thanks to TechWomen, Technovation Cameroon and Mozilla.

The better is still to come… Let’s “Inspire The Next Generation” .I know it and i will keep you update on everything going on around me. ‪#‎TWImpact‬ ‪#‎OurTimeToLead‬ ‪#‎WeLeadOthersFollow‬ ‪#‎Technovation2016‬ ‪#‎Techwomen16‬ ‪#‎Mozilla‬ ‪#‎MozillaCameroon‬ ‪#‎WomenInTech‬ ‪#‎WomenInStem‬ ‪#‎237GirlsCodeApps‬ Technovation Challenge Cameroon Technovation Cameroon Mozilla Africa TechWomen Mozillians TECHWOMEN CAMEROON

Check these links for additional Infos or Pictures.
Maroua 1:
Maroua 2:
Nanas Awards:

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Crowdfunding:The New Gold Mine of Web 2.0 in Africa

We’re in the early 1990s, somewhere in Africa. Children, not yet 10 years old, are dreaming big. Olivier wants to create a « Super Mario » for his friends when he becomes a man. Joëlle is still a little girl but wants to invent a Cartoon Strip. Many African children still to be born will also grow up with hopes and dreams of becoming technological creators and inventors. Today they are in their thirties, some of them are younger than that and they held this gap in the 3rd millennium, in an area where they do not actually imagined in their childhood: the web, new technologies, ICT.

Out of 55 web and IT projects collected in Africa from August 2014 to January 2015, five Cameroonian success stories are highlighted out of six total. Olivier Madiba has managed to launch a video game firm « Kiro’o Games », producer of the first video game from Cameroon « Aurion, the legacy of Kori-Odan. » Here is a demo of this video game.

Joëlle Ebongue, better known by her Artist name Elyons, is the creator of « The Diary of Ebene Duta », a cartoon strip originally distributed on the web via social media. She is sharing her experience in Crowdfunding.

Neaby, Arthur Zang is working on a tablet for cardiology medical use, « Cardiopad« . In Buea, at a place called « Silicon Mountain »,another project, the digital wallet « Pursar » of Otto Isong and team is in development. These four projects have followed the funding model used by the Afropolitan webzine created by young Cameroonians, « FashizBlack ». One of the Co-founder of this webzine, Paola Audrey Ndengue, is sharing their Crowdfunding Story.

The common denominator of these diverse initiatives and technologies success is Crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding is a mode of Internet financing which uses the techniques of Web 2.0 known as interactivity, online platforms, blogs, social networking and microblogging spaces.It appeals to the crowd, the greatest number of people and visitors for a project. Then there are four major categories of crowdfunding: donation crowdfunding, reward crowdfunding, credit crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding. Some details on crowdfunding are on this interactive video.

In Africa, the situation is clear, young African entrepreneurs prefer reward crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding. Here is the location of the Top 20 countries in Africa succeeding in Crowdfunding Campaign for web and IT projects.

View Top 20 Countries in Africa-Crowdfunding-Web&IT in a full screen map By Dorothydaf with


Young African entrepreneurs use mostly online platforms to replace traditional financial actors such as banks and stock exchanges, because these traditional actors do not always believe on the financial success thanks to the web and ICT. Young Africans Entrepreneurs used some Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, KissKissBankBank, Ulule, Jumpstart and sometimes to African platforms : Thundafund, VC4Africa, FundaGeek, TechMoola, Mchanga, Zoomaal and many others. This Chart resume their preferences

Churchill Mambe Nanje of Njorku is talking about dificulties and tips for doing a good Crowdfunding Campaign.

Fritz Ekwoge of FeePerfect add his point of view on crowdfunding.

How does it work?

As explained in the last video, you will notice that this method of funding project has a downside if the entrepreneur has a bad reputation online. Fundraising can be unsuccessful if you do not communicate enough about social media and that it has no social media engagement strategy. Some people to remedy this situation are adding digital strategies online, few ordinary activities when you are seeking funding. To succeed in crowdfunding, just follow this graphic.

Process for success in crowdfunding

Process for success in crowdfunding

What is the value add for Africa?

According to the African Development Bank, the unemployment rate in Sub-saharan Africa is 6% then 1% higher than the world. So it is said that over 70% of Africans earn their living from precarious jobs. Only 17% of young workers in low-income countries, mostly situated in Africa, have an employment full time. Also, the World Bank is more alarming to the question: young people represent 60% of all Africans unemployed. Underemployment rate is 82% with 70% of young Africans living below the internal poverty line, less than $ 2 a day. In Cameroon, for example, official statistics show 13% unemployment and 70% underemployment rate by Strategy Paper for Growth and Employment. The informal sector is the main source of employment with 90.5% of workers.

Data on employment in Africa

Data on employment in Africa. Data on employment in Africa. By Dorothydaf (C)2015 WB & ADB data

These data demonstrated that web and IT is like manna for Africa. Because Internet and mobile phones have increasing high penetration rates. More than 200 million Internet users, 79 million on social media or 18% of internet penetration and 67% of people who are connected on mobile phone in the continent.

Internet and Mobile Data in Africa

Internet and Mobile Data in Africa by Dorothydaf (C) 2015

In addition, the creation of web and IT products became an African specialty (InternetWorldStats). Young entrepreneurs have flooded the mobile market, online payments, video games, and web programming. Above all, creators are adopting in mass the methods of crowdfunding. Currently in Africa, followers of crowdfunding are in the dozens, not only in web technology sectors and the results are palpable, as projects materialize beyond childhood dreams into real technical and financial futures

Dorothée Danedjo Fouba

*Article published for African Story Challenge-Business&Technology Cycle*

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